Motorek EC Motorplug používá bezkartáčovou konstrukci. Bežný motor pracuje s kartáčky, které časem nasbíraji nečistoty a prach které mohou mít negativní vliv na funkci a životnost motoru. Bezkartáčová technologie prodlužuje životnost motoru až desetinásobně!
- švýcarský 5w bezkartáčový motor
- v motorku jsou instalovány kuličková ložiska
- velmi odolný s delší životností
- kompaktní design
- určený pro modely Amen, Beast a Prodigy
- připojení přes RCA i clipcord
- pracuje s napětím od 7 do 15 V
Se systémem Stigma Easyplug může být motor instalovaný během několika sekund. Navíc můžete motor instalovat v různých úhlech pro ideální připojení napajecího kabelu.
Motorek může pracovat zakrytý fólií pro eliminaci rizika kontaminace.
Motorplug má předinstalovaný medium excentr. Pro použití motorku s modelem Amen, musíte vaměnit excentr za hex spinner který je dodáván s každým strojkem Amen.
K modelu Beast a Prodigy můžete objednat i excentry s krátkým nebo dlouhým chodem, nebo excentr s nastavitelným zdvihem.
The Stigma-Rotary® EC MotorPlug uses brushless technology. Standard motors use brushes to operate, which over time will collect dirt and dust which will affect the performance of the motor. Power may be affected and fluctuations may start to occur. The new Stigma-Rotary® EC MotorPlug will last 10 times the life span of a standard motor and will always perform with the same consistency as it did on the first day you used it! Benefitting from the following key features:
Carries a Swiss Made 5 Watt Brushless Maxon motor
With preloaded ball bearings
Very durable with longer lifespan
Compact design
Powers Amen Beast and Prodigy machine bodies
RCA and Clipcord Connection as standard
Runs from 7 volts up to 15 volts
With the Stigma-Rotary® EasyPlug system, the MotorPlug can be attached or removed in a matter of seconds. You can even rotate the motor to find the perfect angle for your RCA / clipcord contacts.
It can also be bagged to avoid cross contamination.
The same MotorPlug can power all your “AMEN”, “Beast” and “Prodigy” machine bodies, or you can use the same machine body and attach any combination of different powered (4.5 Watt , 10 Watt or 5 Watt Brushless) MotorPlugs with different stroke length excenters.
The MotorPlugs always come with a medium stroke excenter pre-installed. To use the EC 5 Watt Brushless MotorPlug with an “AMEN” machine, you will just need to replace the stroke excenter with the new hex spinner (which is provided with all “AMEN” machines).
Additional excenters are also available when using with the “Beast” or “Prodigy”:
The all new adjustable stroke excenter from 2.5mm to 4.7mm (“Beast”) and 2.5mm to 6mm (“Prodigy”).
It comes with RCA and Clipcord Connection as standard
- švýcarský 5w bezkartáčový motor
- v motorku jsou instalovány kuličková ložiska
- velmi odolný s delší životností
- kompaktní design
- určený pro modely Amen, Beast a Prodigy
- připojení přes RCA i clipcord
- pracuje s napětím od 7 do 15 V
Se systémem Stigma Easyplug může být motor instalovaný během několika sekund. Navíc můžete motor instalovat v různých úhlech pro ideální připojení napajecího kabelu.
Motorek může pracovat zakrytý fólií pro eliminaci rizika kontaminace.
Motorplug má předinstalovaný medium excentr. Pro použití motorku s modelem Amen, musíte vaměnit excentr za hex spinner který je dodáván s každým strojkem Amen.
K modelu Beast a Prodigy můžete objednat i excentry s krátkým nebo dlouhým chodem, nebo excentr s nastavitelným zdvihem.
The Stigma-Rotary® EC MotorPlug uses brushless technology. Standard motors use brushes to operate, which over time will collect dirt and dust which will affect the performance of the motor. Power may be affected and fluctuations may start to occur. The new Stigma-Rotary® EC MotorPlug will last 10 times the life span of a standard motor and will always perform with the same consistency as it did on the first day you used it! Benefitting from the following key features:
Carries a Swiss Made 5 Watt Brushless Maxon motor
With preloaded ball bearings
Very durable with longer lifespan
Compact design
Powers Amen Beast and Prodigy machine bodies
RCA and Clipcord Connection as standard
Runs from 7 volts up to 15 volts
With the Stigma-Rotary® EasyPlug system, the MotorPlug can be attached or removed in a matter of seconds. You can even rotate the motor to find the perfect angle for your RCA / clipcord contacts.
It can also be bagged to avoid cross contamination.
The same MotorPlug can power all your “AMEN”, “Beast” and “Prodigy” machine bodies, or you can use the same machine body and attach any combination of different powered (4.5 Watt , 10 Watt or 5 Watt Brushless) MotorPlugs with different stroke length excenters.
The MotorPlugs always come with a medium stroke excenter pre-installed. To use the EC 5 Watt Brushless MotorPlug with an “AMEN” machine, you will just need to replace the stroke excenter with the new hex spinner (which is provided with all “AMEN” machines).
Additional excenters are also available when using with the “Beast” or “Prodigy”:
The all new adjustable stroke excenter from 2.5mm to 4.7mm (“Beast”) and 2.5mm to 6mm (“Prodigy”).
It comes with RCA and Clipcord Connection as standard
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Značka | Stigma Rotary |
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